Online debate: Monday 29 January 2024, 16:00 – 17:00 CET/10:00 – 11:00 AM EST
2024 began in a somber mood for Ukraine. This was due, to an extent, to Russia’s unprecedented air attacks for New Year, but even more to the gloomy debate about waning Western support for Ukraine’s defence, as well as to the lack of ammunition and spare parts on the front line, the painful debate about recruitment and the triumphalism in the Kremlin.
What are the prospects for 2024? How can Ukraine achieve more military successes? What has to happen in the West in order to strengthen the political will and the economic and industrial capacities to increase military assistance to Ukraine? How can the sanctions regime against Russia be made more effective?
We should discuss these questions frankly, in a lively manner and with a view to concrete solutions and strategies. The discussion will be entirely public and announced as well as live streamed on social media. A report, summarizing the debate, will be produced in the week following the event, and a short resume will be published online.
The event is organized in partnership with Globsec.
- Roland Freudenstein, VP GLOBSEC
Kickoff speakers:
- Nico Lange, Senior Fellow, Munich Security Conference, Berlin
- Alena Kudzko, VP for Policy and Programming, GLOBSEC
- Elina Beketova, Democracy Fellow, Center for European Policy Analysis, Washington
Watch the video recording below or on YouTube.